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Ready for the Next Pandemic? Neither was this “Bug Guy” who is the creator of a revolutionary new virus-killing-bug trap that could save millions of lives.

The CDC’s strong recommendation to prevent mosquito bites is for good reason. The same reason we all need to be more vigilant about protecting ourselves against the next likely pandemic – starting now.

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National Health News – Just like COVID started in a lab in Wuhan, China, the most likely “new intruder” according to scientists is the Aedes Vittatus mosquito.

Native to India, this virus-carrying mosquito has now been found in North America -- armed with the most dangerous mosquito-borne diseases. How dangerous is this situation?

Recently, a researcher from Walter Reed in Medical Center in Washington D.C. said, “Being in close contact with these mosquitoes is not safe. They’re breeding in your bird bath and they’re feeding off your kids as they spread disease."

What we have always considered simply, pesky mosquitoes, are now threatening to bring the possible next round of COVID -- or even something worse.

Luckily, long before COVID hit us all, one man waws already working on a unique tool that may end up saving millions of lives.

John Taylor is both an exterminator and a self-taught tinkerer. He says, “When I was on the job at people’s homes doing routine pest control, I would get asked all the time, ‘Do you have anything to help with the mosquitos?”

"I never had a good answer for them. Sure, there are lots of devices and candles you can buy, but I already knew they were largely ineffective. That’s when I started thinking about something better to kill mosquitos.

Then COVID hit.

And I suddenly I had lots of extra time on my hands. And I had what I thought were some good ideas for killing bugs. Then, crazy as it sounds, I started seeing these studies about new species of mosquitoes showing up in the U.S. and it was concerning. Now, mosquitoes were not just a pest, they were killers."

Across the U.S., people unknowingly create the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes right in their own yard and neighborhood. Anything that holds standing water like bird baths, puddles, rain gutters, poorly draining patios, and nearby retention ponds breed mosquitoes.

Which it turns out may play a part in creating the Next Pandemic...

These pesky insects view humans as their best source of food. And when mosquitoes hop from human to human, they can spread disease extremely quickly.

Seeing the threat of mosquito-borne viruses, and seeing his customers’ concern about get sick, John dug in with new determination do develop his mosquito zapper.

John had a rough idea and even a crude prototype, but needed help with the next step. So he called his good friend from college, Tony, who was a mechanical engineer, and together they made a better prototype and came one step closer to getting it to market.

After a few weeks they had a working version seemed very promising.

John’s goal was to kill mosquitoes without using harmful chemicals or annoying, smelly chemical candles like Citronella. And now, with Tony’s engineering and design help, they had what might be the safest and most effective mosquito killer ever.

They called it the StellerZap. And they decided to put it to the ultimate test.

Since the StellerZap uses no chemicals, they put it right in between them as they waited. They sat there by the pond for an hour – with ZERO bites.

Shocked, they decided to take the StellerZap inside and see just how successful it was. They counted the dead mosquitos in the StellerZap tray ...

The final number ... They caught an astounding 423 mosquitos in ONE HOUR.

He said, "Even I was shocked. That's a whole lot of mosquitoes that would have otherwise been biting us. In fact, it’s more than double what we hoped to catch.”

With Tony’s connections in the manufacturing world, they were able to strike a deal to get them mass produced.

With their first thousand models, John sold some, but gave most of them out to his pest control customers to use at their homes. He explained to them that not only are mosquitoes annoying, they also pose a real threat of mosquito-borne illness

They all loved it and said they were now able to use their patios and backyards again bite free, while feeling much more safe from illness!

John’s StellerZap is now available across the U.S. and has sold out time and time again.

The StellerZap showed up just in time, with threats of mosquito-borne viruses now quite common in the U.S. … West Nile, Zika and Chikungunya, and more all diseases brought from overseas by mosquitoes.

The research from Walther Reed Medical Center mentioned earlier is predicting that these threats are going to become more and more common with increased global travel and warmer summers.

Because of these increasing threats, John partnered with his manufacturing company to ramp up production of the StellerZap and help get it to everyone in the U.S. that needs relief from annoying and disease carrying mosquitoes.

It is now sold across the U.S. on their website. And they often run a special 60% sale, so that everyone that who wants relief from pesky mosquitoes can easily get a StellerZap.

Consumer tested …

StellerZap is now the #1 bug accessory for obvious reasons. It works better than any other tool.

It’s easy to use anywhere, any time. And the results are unmistakable. Simply hang or place the zapper on any surface and it just work instantly. It has a light, and emits small vibrations that humans can't even detect, but that very effectively attract mosquitoes. They go straight towards it and leave you alone.

It’s far better than Citronella, which most people hate because of the smell. A Citronella smell is overpowering and gives many people headaches, and is hard to be around especially when eating.

The StellerZap will help stamp out disease spreading, and improve backyard parties forever.

The StellerZap has been proven effective, and has many uses … around the house, traveling and camping, and keeping disease ridden mosquitoes away.

Next summer is predicted to be hotter than normal, which means more mosquitoes, which will then stay later into the fall. The StellerZap is satisfaction guaranteed to keep the mosquitoes off indoors or out.

Even if a door gets left open, and mosquitoes get inside, simply turn on the StellerZap for a few minutes, and they'll be gone for a better night’s sleep with no bites.

Even better, people expect to pay hundreds of dollars to be mosquito free with a StellerZap. And are shocked to find out you can get it for $39 or less (with the 60% summer discount exclusive to our readers).

It's time to stay safe from the next virus, and enjoy your yard -- mosquito free!

How Much Does It Cost?

With similar (less efficient) devices going for $1500+ you would expect the StellerZap to be at least this...

But what if I told you that the StellerZap retails for $99.99, this is way below your expectations right!

HOWEVER, do you know what's better than paying the already good full $99.99 price?

Their 60% promotional discount, where you can order yours for just $39!

Click here to claim a discounted StellerZap (if it's still available) >>

How Can It Be So Affordable?

Did you know big brands spend BILLIONS on advertising, physical stores, and boss bonuses? Can you guess who's paying for that? Yep, us the customers...

The StellerZap spends nothing on any of this. They only sell online, don't advertise on TV and don't have greedy owners who demand ridiculous bonuses.

They prefer to let their devices and positive reviews do the talking for them!

Conclusion: Is it worth it?

100% Yes. The StellerZap  is the best way to stay safe from the next virus.

The time to buy the StellerZap is now before this discount runs out. It's already selling like crazy you'll quickly see why thousands of Americans have ordered theirs already!

The icing on the cake is the price. If it's still on promotion for under $200 - definitely, pick up before they go. 

In case you couldn't guess, I LOVED it! You won't find a better bug zapper for a better price.

How to get a StellerZap...

Order now to lock in this exclusive price for our readers, straight from the manufacturer.

Ever since this story was featured, it has skyrocketed in popularity and sold over 1.5 million units.

And with so many people wanting one, the company is now offering an exclusive 60% off discount with free shipping to all new customers, plus a 30-day guarantee.*

Get your StellerZap from their StellerZap official website here.

The StellerZap comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk for you! If you act now, you can secure a 60% discount available for today only. Don’t wait to ensure your home is bug-free and safe! 

As of * – Ever since the StellerZap was on major international media, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, the company is so confident in their product that they are now offering a one-time, first time buyer 60% discount.

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